Along with weddings, baby showers are one of the rare occasions in life where people from different parts of your life come together. You may have friends from work, old school friends, neighbours and family in one place at the same time. Sometimes it can be difficult to encourage these different groups to interact with each other. A great way to do this is with baby shower games.

Baby Shower Guessing Games

While there are dozens of baby shower games to choose from, consistently among the most popular are guessing games. These include:

Baby Shower Action Games

If your friends and family aren’t keen on guessing games, there are several excellent baby shower action games that are guaranteed to keep you entertained. These include:

Thinking Baby Shower Games

Get your guests’ brains into action with baby shower thinking games.

For more information about baby showers, view the other articles in our baby shower ideas and advice section. It includes information about baby shower cakes, baby shower gifts and more.